Join these above upcoming events for enhancing your competence in practicing Emotionally Focused Therapy
Reconnect with EFT provides practical training resources for Chinese-speaking professional helpers to learn and practice Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), especially in Cantonese.
EFT is a potent, evidence-based approach that focuses on attachment and systems, aiming to create a secure connection and enhance one's sense of self in each session.
Our Trainer

Dr. Tat-Ying Wong, MD, MTS, MDiv, RMFT
Physician and Couple and Family Therapist, Grace Health Centre
Program Director and Supervisor, Couple and Family Therapy Internship Program, Grace Health Centre
Lecturer, Faculty and Planning Committee, Counselling and Psychotherapy in Family Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Courtesy Staff, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Humber River Hospital, Toronto
Adjunct Faculty in Pastoral Counselling and Family Ministry, Canadian Chinese School of Theology, Toronto
Adjunct Faculty, Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work, Wilfred Laurier University
International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) Certified Therapist, Supervisor and International Trainer