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EFFT Consultation Registration
Mastering Skills & Overcoming Challenges

November 19,21,26,28, 2024
Hong Kong time: 7:30-10:30pm / Toronto time: 6:30-9:30am
* Completed EFFT Essentials or EFFT Levels 1 & 2 is recommended

*Registered name will be put on your receipt and ICEEFT Certificate

Language that you understand 你明白的語言
I have the educational training, qualifications, and professional credentials to practice as a mental health professional or pastoral counsellor or I am in a training program or supervised practice to become a mental health professional or pastoral counsellor. 我擁有心理健康專業人士或教牧輔導的教育,培訓和專業資格或我在成為心理健康專業人士或教牧輔導的培訓計劃或督導過程中.
I agree to keep confidential the personal identifying information of case material shared in the training and not to copy, record, store, reproduce or share any part of the training. 我同意保密培訓案例中的個人資料以及不複制,錄影,儲存或分享培訓的任何部分.
The training will be recorded on video for ICEEFT trainings, archive and records. I agree to having the training recorded for archive and training purposes and the content may be used for promotion or articles in newsletters (practical tips, questions and answers) with identifying information removed. 培訓的錄影會成為ICEEFT的記錄和培訓資源. 我同意讓培訓的錄影作ICEEFT的記錄,並且刪除個人資料後,內容可用於EFT推廣或通訊中(實用技巧,問題解答,個案分析).
I have completed the Fundamentals of EFT Training in either live or online self study format. 我已經完成了線上或在線自學形式的情緒取向基礎知識培訓:
Select an item (C$)

Thanks for applying!

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